October 28th Invercargill – Papatowai 113km
After letting Tia the boxer pup have a quick walk in the
garden we left on what had the potential for a long ride. The city limits only took a few minutes to
reach and as we passed through the acres of farmland the wind neither hindered
or helped. The bright sunshine enhanced
the views although the temperature still required a jacket.
The first stop at a café was fairly brief although it had
lovely gardens made on the site of an old quarry with signets from the wild
black swans swimming in the lake. The Southern
scenic route we followed carried on through farmland, gently undulating through
the occasional small township. During
lunch we sat in a park and enjoyed the sunshine.
At Curio bay the scenic route changes direction, the sign
said 31km to go. This turned out to be
the end of the easy cycling with steep hills and a headwind. As we had already covered over 80km we had to
fight our way up every hill with tired legs.
When we saw the Whistling frog café and holiday park we were tempted to
stay until we saw the prices! Onwards once
more and the route was not giving up the last few km easily. What turned out to be the last climb had us
both struggling, Maria said she couldn’t make it and I had no energy to
encourage her so I just cycled on and she followed. As we descended into the township we passed
the store and luckily managed to buy food just before it closed.
No campsite here, motel rates were high but we found a backpackers which was situated 1km along a
gravel road. On the way however we
passed a B&B that also had a cabin.
$60 seemed reasonable and it had a shower and kitchen so fully self-contained. Caroline the owner was very friendly so were
her cats and dogs. One cat had 3 legs
and the other Poppy was more than happy to join us in the cabin at every
opportunity whether it was the door or window which was left ajar. A lovely spot and a good rest, tomorrow
should be an easier day!
View from last climb
Maria fighting her way to the top
October 29th Papatowai – Balclutha 61km
The first day I started out in t shirt and shorts, maybe the
start of the summer? The road had a few
minor climbs but in general was very cruisey.
Only 3.5 hours cycling today compared to the 6.5 of the dy before. After finding a cabin we chilled out. Balclutha isn’t a pretty place, a slaughter
house and processing plant are the main industry. Relaxing was the order of the day though and
we managed that well.
October 30th Balclutha – Dunedin 95km
Early start and another potentially long day ahead. The fine rain defied the forecast and our
hope for the start of the summer. A
steep climb out of town followed by steeply undulating farmland made the first
20km a drag. We were both hoping this
wasn’t going to be the order of the day!
After a café break and a chat to 3 guys touring on motorbikes we headed
off into a slight headwind. The road now
much flatter seemed to get much busier so when we had the option to take the
scenic route we did.
The hill to the coast was a killer, I would guess the
steepest consistent climb so far. Now we
have been up steeper gradients but not for so long. After 4km we hit the summit and rode down to
the coast, my brakes could hardly bring me to a stop but slowed me down enough
to survive the experience.
Now the route was beautiful, hugging the coastline with
sandy beaches and rocky out crops. The
weather was grey and a little drizzle fell but the wind was light and the road
gently rolling. We cycled along Essex
Road, then through Brighton, I can assure you there is no resemmbeklance to
Brighton UK.
The scenic route changed direction again up a short steep
hill followed by a short steep descent.
As we turned at the bottom all we could see was the road climbing as
straight as an arrow directly infront.
On this climb a guy in a van drew along side and offered us a ride. This is the first time we have been offered a
lift, we must have looked like we were struggling but with only 12km to go I
thanked him but carried on cycling.
Eventually we reached the top and headed into Dunedin. It looked very grey and unwelcoming but once
we found the hostel we didn’t care, another 6 hour day.

View of Dunedin from the hostel roof
October 31st Dunedin
Too tired to ride on today so lay in bed and watched a DVD. Caught up on the blog and then a wander around. When the sun is shining like today and you aren't worn out Duniden looks a different place. We have decided to stay in NZ for an extra 4 days and only go from Sydney to Brisbane missing Cairns. Although diving on the GBR would be awsome it is expensive and the logistics of the bike transport a pin so we will leave that till next time.
Thanks for the comment. Seems like along time ago now!